Will I be required to join the U.S. Armed Forces?
the answer to that is definitely No!!!. Cadets have absolutely no commitment regarding future military service. For those Cadets who decide to enlist in the Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps prior Sea Cadet training may permit entry at an advanced pay grade. Sea Cadet experience is also looked upon favorably by military service academy and ROTC selection boards.
Will I have to pay dues?
Yes. Your enrollment fee includes premiums paid toward the Sea Cadet Group Accident and Heath Protection Plan and other basic needs to allow kids to participate in the program. The dues are substituted and extremely affordable as of now they are around $.50 a day, the reason it's so low is to allow kids the opportunity to enjoy the program.
What do Cadets learn?
Cadets study a broad range of subjects. Some are designed to help them become better adult citizens, others teach them the importance of strong maritime forces. They also study naval history, customs and traditions, seamanship, navigation, and similar subjects that will help their chances for promotion should they decide to join one of the sea services.
Must I buy my own uniforms?
Surplus U.S. Navy uniforms are made available to the NSCC and NLCC. These uniforms, in turn, are made available to cadets at a minimal cost for shipping and handling. Uniform needs that cannot be met through this source may be purchased through other avenues such as the Navy Exchange Uniform Shops. See Uniform Officer for more info.
What is the Naval Sea Cadet Corps?
The Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) is a program for young men and women ages 13-17 who are interested in developing their skills in leadership, basic seamanship, courage, self-reliance, and military discipline and are committed to being drug and gang-free.
What is the Navy League Cadet Corps?
The Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) is the junior cadet program of the NSCC The NLCC introduces boys and girls ages 10-13 to naval life through instruction in basic seamanship and leadership.
What uniforms will I wear?
Cadets are authorized by the Secretary of the Navy to wear Navy enlisted uniforms appropriately marked with NSCC/NLCC insignia.
What are the requirements of membership?
All prospective cadets must be U.S. Citizens, be drug-free, unmarried, a full-time student with at least a “C” grade point average, have parental consent, and possess good moral character. In addition, you must be interested in the program and committed to regularly attending drills (meetings).
Can anyone join?
Applicants meeting the NSCC’s minimum age requirement will not be denied membership in, benefit of, discriminated by, or excluded from participating in NSCC activities on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, or disability.
Will Cadet training detract from my schoolwork?
Not likely. Cadet units usually meet only one night a week or one weekend a month during the school year. Instruction is designed to supplement your school work. Normally, training away from home is conducted only during school vacation periods.
What are my chances for promotion?
Promotion within the Cadet Corps is based upon merit. Promising individuals, upon fulfilling certain successive qualifications and requirements, are given command positions and encouraged to develop their leadership abilities.
Who sponsors the NSCC/NLCC?
Most Cadet units are sponsored by individual Councils of the Navy League of the United States, a non-profit organization made up of U.S. citizens whose objective is to support the sea services, and who are deeply interested in the welfare of young Americans.
Who instructs Cadets?
Cadets are instructed by naval personnel (active, reserve, and retired), by senior Cadets, and by dedicated adult volunteer leaders who comprise the NSCC Officer Corps
Can I go to camp in the summer?
Yes. Newly enrolled Sea Cadets are required to attend two weeks of recruit training or “boot camp” held at military installations across the country. Having successfully completed recruit training, Sea Cadets participate in additional training in advanced subjects during succeeding school breaks. Opportunities range from training aboard Navy and Coast Guard ships to training with U.S. Navy SEALs. Navy League Cadets have the opportunity to participate in a one-week recruit orientation and weekend training evolutions specifically tailored or their age group and abilities.
Are Sea Cadets permitted to go to sea?
Yes. After completing recruit training and other required courses of instruction, many Sea Cadets can participate in two-week advanced training aboard Navy and Coast Guard vessels ranging from small patrol craft to large nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. While Navy League Cadets are not permitted to go to sea for extended periods, they often participate in day cruises and tours.
Are there advanced training courses for Cadets?
Yes. In addition to advanced training aboard naval vessels, Sea Cadets may attend advanced orientation courses such as Airman Training, Music Training, Seabee Indoctrination, SEAL Team Training, Submarine Orientation, Military Law Enforcement Training, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, and Leadership Academy. Navy League Cadets may participate in one-week advanced training evolutions in subjects such as Leadership, seamanship, and Boating Safety.
Are there travel opportunities?
Yes. Sea Cadets travel to training sites all over the country during the summer training period. Additionally, outstanding Sea Cadets are selected to participate in the NSCC International Exchange Program. Currently, the NSCC participates in exchanges with Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Bermuda, Sweden, and Russia. Exchange Cadets are selected on merit basis. Each Cadet must have an outstanding record as well as a good reputation within his home community.
What is the main purpose of Cadet training?
While Cadet units are organized along military lines, their main purpose is to foster good citizenship and an interest and appreciation of our nation’s sea services: the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine.